GSFC University Library is automated using Koha – Open Source Software (widely used software by leading educational institutions) and for its Library Management System and to fulfil its goal to connect users with its information. The GSFC University Library is equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity. To library Book Search
GSFCU Institutional Repository is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication. To access GSFCU Institutional Repository
Make in India product DrillBit - plagiarism checker, prevention and similarity detection software, based on the most advance Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning technologies. The software can be used to scan students'/papers/assignments/synopsis/thesis/ dissertations/ articles and get a plagiarism-free certificate online. It has wide acceptance in India because of its unique features and large content coverage. It covers an extensive amount of academic content in English and over 100 other foreign languages and Indian regional languages.
Knowledge Gainer offers anytime and everywhere intuitive access and a learning environment on a wide array of subjects in Engineering & Technology, Management, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Pure Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts & Humanities for Graduate and Post Graduate students including researchers and teachers. It gives access to 1, 58, 33,201 of resources including E-journals, E-books, Articles, and Institutional Repositories content. To access
The world’s largest database for public policy, with more than 3.2 million reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a directory of more than 24,000 IGOs, NGOs, think tanks, and research centers. It includes over a million pages of premium content from leading publishers and restored from organizations that have disappeared. To access
Academic documents are a vital element in the effective functioning of any institution. When quality documents are nicely prepared with the efforts of the students & faculties of an Educational institution and maintained the same systematically for its future reference would enhance the value. This type of continuous practice will be considered as a key part of Knowledge Resources Bank and will improve the overall efficiency of the institution thereby mitigate legal and academic compliance risks.. To access
GSFC University has a QuillBot premium subscription until July 2024.
QuillBot is an academic writing platform that can be used to improve the clarity and professionalism of your writing by rephrasing phrases and sentences and summarizing lengthy passages. Salient features of QuillBot:
School wise list of E-Journals listed in the DELNET knowledge Gainer portal. All listed journals can be accessed through DELNET membership or Directly from the given link on the title of the particular Journals.
Prowess is a database of the financials of Indian companies. Annual Reports of companies is the most important source of this database. For listed companies, the Prowess database contains additional data sourced from the stock exchanges. ProwessIQ provides time-series data beginning 1989-90. To access... Click here